Shrovetide road closures
It is Day 2 of Shrovetide 2025. Roads will be closed all around Ashbourne from 1:30pm until 10pm at unpredictable times depending on the play of the game.
Closures will be for as short a time as the game allows but could potentially last for hours.
Expect disruption and delay, all afternoon and evening. This is pretty much guaranteed around Shawcroft car park between 1:30 and 4pm.
Be aware that the game can move very fast so you might move from one road closure to meet another. Please stay away if possible.
If you are attending the game, do not park anywhere in the "play zone". Essentially this means all the low level land from Aldi to the West all the way to Belper Road and The Green Road to the East.
There is a park & ride facility at the Airfield Industrial Estate.
Follow instructions from Marshalls and other officials.
The game is dangerous and moves very fast. Imagine being on a rugby field whilst the play is on, with teams of 100 players and spectators mixing in with the teams.
Please think very carefully whether it is wise to bring dogs, small children, pushchairs, wheelchairs etc.