Please help to pay for this website....

Sponsor us

We are looking for a main website sponsor. You will get your name in the header on every page and a link to your own website and the satisfaction of helping great local cause. In June 2024 we had nearly 24,000 page views. You must be local to the Ashbourne area. Please contact us.


Following this link will take you to a card payment page where you can donate any amount you choose.

If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer then please contact us (it will save us the card fees!)


We can do this in the footer, on one page or multiple pages. Our home page in June 2024 had over 4,000 views. Our events pages had over 5,000 views. You must be local to the Ashbourne area. You must provide your own artwork. Please contact us......

Become an Ashbourne Ambassador

An Ashbourne Ambassador is a business, organisation or individual making regular payments to support Ashbourne Town Team and Discover Ashbourne.

It is a concept devised by Ashbourne Town Team and Ashbourne Traders Group, who collectively work hundreds of unpaid hours every year to make Ashbourne better. We can only continue with our work if we have money in the bank.

annual ambassador

A recurring annual payment.
Cancel when you like. No refunds.

£100 per year

monthly ambassador

A recurring monthly payment.
Cancel when you like. No refunds.

join here
£10 per month

We want to...

  • Cover the running costs of this website - roughly £1,000 a year
  • Improve our social media output
  • Run a marketing campaign to encourage residents to shop locally
  • Design, print & distribute posters, leaflets and flyers
  • Do online advertising of Ashbourne as a destination and workplace
  • Pay for licences, photos, videos....
  • Design & install new signposts on the main roads
  • Place consultancy to develop a coherent story and recognise our USPs
  • Employ a professional marketing manager

What do you get out of it? Well -its mostly altruistic with the hope of something more tangible in the future:

  • Your name on the website as a supporter
  • An occasional newsletter telling you what we are doing
  • A confident town with great marketing sends positive signals to people & businesses thinking of moving here
  • Long term improvements in footfall & turnover
  • A feel-good factor - knowing you are doing your bit to support a team of passionate volunteers working their guts out for Ashbourne
  • If you are a homeowner, or property owner, than our work may help keep Ashbourne desirable
Contact us


We are looking for a new primary website sponsor. Recruiting now....

Contact us

Joining us will transfer you to "MemberMojo" which is a third party app that we use to keep your data secure. You will be asked to complete a short registration form and then checkout. There will be choice of card or bank payment on checkout. And the option to add a donation, if you like.

Joining us will transfer you to "MemberMojo" which is a third party app that we use to keep your data secure. You will be asked to complete a short registration form and then checkout. There will be choice of card or bank payment on checkout. And the option to add a donation, if you like.

Please read our T&C for more information on these options. Or contact us with any questions. Note that the Platinum membership for the primary website sponsor is currently taken - please contact us if you are interested in this for future years.