The Old Trust
The Old Trust is a charity that owns and operates 46 almshouses in Ashbourne.
Its full name is "The Governors and Assistants of Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School Ashbourne". The Governors and Assistants ran QEGS for 294 years from 1585 until 1879 and had sole control over its affairs, the appointment of the Master and Under-master, the curriculum, finances and land. In 1879 the Governing Body of the School changed to comply with new legislation, but the Governors and Assistants continued to sit on the new School Governing Body and kept control of the land and endowments.
From the early 17th Century onwards the Governors and Assistants were also given responsibility for various almshouses and other charities, as it was recognised by benefactors that they were in an ideal position to administer them on an ongoing and permanent basis.
An application form for almshouse residency can be found here.