Christmas Committee
The Christmas Committee organises the Lantern Spectacular, normally held on the 2nd Friday in December.
The committee includes representatives from Ashbourne Town Team, Ashbourne Arts, Ashbourne Churches Together and Ashbourne Town Council.
It is a huge undertaking and planning for the next year starts almost as soon as last year's event has finished. Tasks include:
- Arranging road closures and diversion signposting
- Finding and booking support acts and the stage
- Booking security and first aid
- Arranging lantern-building workshops and supplying materials
- Organising the walking order of the parade and ensuring all the groups know what they are doing
- Organising marshalls
- Organising charity stalls and food & drink
- Designing, printing and selling advertising for the brochure
- Arranging delivery to every house in Ashbourne
- Posters and roadside signs
The event has a shoestring budget and only happens because of the dedication of this group.